Within sight of the location where Evel Knievel took flight over the Snake River Canyon, you’ll find Home Heating and Air Conditioning. As with any product, the contents are listed in order: home comes first to Christy Featherston and her organization. You’re not a customer, you’re a member of a close-knit family. Why this matters most is made clear in this genesis video.
What is a MogerMedia Genesis Story Video?
Every business has a story. Every story has a beginning—a genesis. MogerMedia Genesis Story Videos share these stories.
Your business is the sum total of its genesis story
What your business does or how you do it means less to your brand story than why your business exists in the first place. Sharing your why creates connection and draws customers into relationship.
We’d love to tell your story
We make adding a MogerMedia Genesis Story Video to your website and social media easy. Contact us. We’d love to share your story.