It’s a tradition: when one of my kids complete the eighth grade, daddy
(and crew) gets tapped to create a video retrospective of their Pre-K-to-Eighth Grade years at Saint John Paul II Catholic School. Since Regan marks the end of the line for my clan, I decided it was only fitting to go out with a bang.
Here’s what happens when we cut loose with all our toys… er, TOOLS.
(Don’t miss the lip-dub music video at about 7:20)
Another fellow graduate
It’s not often I qualify to be in the same category as Janie Hengst. Referring to her as Principal doesn’t do justice to all she’s done to build this school. Since its beginning in portable buildings to the sprawling campus we see today, Janie has played a part every step of the way. This year, she steps aside; retiring after ten years at the helm. To mark this occasion, I personally created this tribute to her years of service.