Whether it’s your website, a mobile site, paid search, or banner advertising, interactive gives you marketing weapons of mass seduction.
Interactive starts at home
How up-to-date is your site? Does it affirm your company’s advertising message? Or, does it have a voice all its own?
Websites are never done. Your interactive marketing tools need constant care and feeding. Unless you share that view, we’re probably not a good match.
Making social media matter
The same goes for your social media platform; Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr…. They all need regular attention. Nowhere is a conversational approach more important than in social media. Unless you’re willing to commit up to about four hours a week to maintain Facebook, LinkedIn, and your blog, there’s a strong chance your social media is doing more to hurt than help your ability to hit goals.
MogerMedia works to tie all your online assets together into one cohesive voice.